The website www.melyade.com is the property of SAS MELYADE.
136 rue des Champarons
92700 Colombes
SAS au capital de 7500 euros
Immatriculée au RCS de NANTERRE sous le numéro 839 709 680.
Contact : hello@melyade.com
Head of publication : Mélissa Longlade
This website and all its content are subject to intellectual property and may in no case be copied or used, including for commercial purposes. The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, videos and logos are the exclusive property of MELYADE. Any use, distribution, reproduction, representation, adaptation or modification of these elements, without the agreement of MELYADE, is prohibited.
MELYADE is a registered trademark at INPI. The reproduction, imitation, use, affixation, deletion or modification of a trademark constitutes an infringement and violation of the rights conferred by the registration of the trademark and is likely to lead to penal sanctions.
SAS au capital de 10 174 560 €
SIRET : 424 761 419 00045
2 Rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix
09 77 19 63 57
Crédits / Website design:
Jerozan Jeyendrarasa